Ina Paarman
Ina Paarman

Homespun, delicious stocks, sauces and spices are the lifeblood of the Ina Paarman brand. It is what a good home cook could do in their own kitchen if they had the time, but on a larger scale.
Ina, her husband Ted and Graham started the business with the proceeds from Ina’s self-published cookbook “Cook with Ina Paarman”, aided by Ted’s uncharacteristically bold decision to invest his hard-earned retirement savings into this start-up venture, despite his inherent aversion to risk taking. Thanks to his foresight and courage in entrusting his financial future to the relative inexperience of his determined wife and youthfully idealistic son, this seed capital enabled Paarman Foods to embark on a truly remarkable and uplifting South African journey.
The ensuing 25 years have seen this embryonic business transform itself into a household brand with an enviable reputation, now exporting to more than 32 countries around the globe.